Celebrate and Empower the Women in Our Lives


By Leilani Carver-Madalon PhD

March is Women’s History Month, a time to recognize and celebrate the trailblazing women who have shaped our world. While their achievements inspire us, this month is also a call to action. Despite progress, the path to gender equality remains far too long. The World Economic Forum estimates that at the current pace, gender parity won’t be achieved for another 134 years, a sobering reality, especially for those of us raising the next generation of women leaders.

History is filled with remarkable women whose contributions have changed lives, including those from right here in St. Louis:

  • Mary Meachum, an abolitionist and leader of the Underground Railroad in Missouri, who risked everything to help enslaved individuals find freedom.

  • Maya Angelou, the poet, activist, and scholar whose words continue to inspire generations.

  • Jackie Joyner-Kersee, the six-time Olympic medalist who has dedicated her life to empowering youth.

  • Jenna Fischer, best known for The Office, who now uses her platform to advocate for important causes like cancer screening.

Yet, even as we celebrate these women, the gender gap remains frustratingly persistent. In my December 2019 TEDxStLouis talk titled "Empowering Authentic Confidence," I spoke about the barriers women face: unequal pay, underrepresentation in leadership, and the added burdens on women of color. While there has been some progress, it’s slow-moving. Women held just 28% of C-suite roles in 2019, and projections suggest only a modest increase to 32% by 2025. Considering that women make up 51% of the population, this is far from true equity.

Why This Matters Right Now

This issue isn’t abstract. It’s unfolding all around us. In St. Louis, like many cities, we see persistent pay gaps, fewer women in top leadership roles, and challenges for women entrepreneurs trying to access funding. Globally, backlash against women’s rights is emerging in many forms, from threats to reproductive rights to increasing workplace burnout as women take on disproportionate caregiving roles. The question isn’t just if we should act. It’s how quickly we can.

Empowerment Starts With Action

Change won’t happen on its own. It requires both personal and systemic efforts. Here’s how we can all play a role in closing the gender gap:

  • Advocate for Equal Pay & Opportunities – Businesses must commit to pay equity and leadership development for women, especially women of color.

  • Support & Sponsor Women at Work – Mentorship and sponsorship matter. If you’re in a leadership position, advocate for the talented women around you.

  • Invest in Women-Owned Businesses – Whether it’s supporting local female entrepreneurs or pushing for equal access to funding, economic empowerment is key.

  • Challenge Bias, Every Day – Whether in hiring, promotions, or even how we raise our children, addressing bias requires consistent action.

I’ve seen firsthand the power of women supporting women. On one of my darkest nights, when I felt completely shattered, my mother wrapped her arms around me and held me together. I was 35, unexpectedly single, longing for motherhood, and racing to finish my 300-page dissertation to keep the job I had sacrificed so much for. My greatest fear was failing, but my mother’s unwavering love gave me strength when I had none left. Beyond my mother, my girlfriends have been my lifeline, lifting me up with laughter and reminders of my authentic self. My incredible women colleagues have championed my work and inspired me to do the same for them. Their support reminds me that celebrating one group doesn’t diminish another. There is space for all voices to be heard, valued, and empowered.

In honor of Women’s History Month, let’s do more than just celebrate. We must empower. Take a moment to thank the women who have lifted you up. Speak up for the ones whose voices aren’t being heard. Support the ones who are fighting to break barriers. And most importantly, let’s work toward a world where future generations won’t have to wait 134 more years for true equality.

Let your light shine. And help others do the same.

Women outperform men on all leadership measures
Women outperform men on most leadership measures

Watch Leilani Carver-Madalon's TEDx Talk here, performed December 5, 2019 at the Ferrara Theater at America's Center.

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